What Happens During a Fire Suppression System Inspection?

As with all other fire safety and protection equipment, fire suppression systems must undergo regular assessment. A fire suppression system inspection ensures that the device is functioning correctly. It also prevents any untimely discharge.

In today’s post, let’s do an in-depth look at what happens during a fire suppression system inspection, who’s qualified to do it, and what the goals are for doing it.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, all fire suppression system inspections, maintenance, and tests are performed while strictly following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Take Responsibility for Your Fire Suppression System

As a property owner or manager, one of your primary responsibilities should include ensuring that all fire safety systems and equipment have ongoing reliability. This reminder is also mandated by NFPA 72. The mandate makes it evident that the property owner must perform the inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire suppression systems.

This responsibility entails being proactive and taking the initiative in knowing the proper maintenance and inspection procedures of your systems.

Fire Suppression System Requirements

Trained, experienced, and certified technicians are the ones sanctioned to perform an inspection. These certified technicians have the expertise and equipment to conduct in-depth testing and inspection of your systems.

They will include all the components of the fire suppression system, including the following:

  • The functionality of the control components and actuators
  • The tightness of the piping components
  • Checking the test dates for the regulator and cylinders
  • Checking the tanks (pressurized and non-pressurized)
  • Checking the functionality of the interlocks

Furthermore, NFPA has a clear provision of the requirements for the inspection of fire suppression systems. As a property owner or manager, neglecting to abide by these guidelines is unacceptable.

When you verify that all the system components are in excellent working condition, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you have reliable fire safety and protection equipment within your facilities.

Inspections also entail testing of the suppression systems. Testing the systems periodically assures you of the functionality of the equipment.

Visual Inspection of Fire Suppression Systems

While it should be certified technicians who should perform the official inspection of your fire suppression systems every six months, you as the property manager or building owner should be responsible for doing a monthly visual inspection of the suppression system.

These visual inspections include:

  • Checking all the nozzles.
  • Checking for any buildup of dirt or grease inside the duct or hood.
  • Checking that the gauge is in the right range.
  • Making sure that the tamper is not damaged.
  • Verifying that the inspection dates in the tag are done regularly.
  • Ensuring that the pull lever is not blocked and is easily accessible.

Take the time and responsibility to educate yourself on what you need to look for when performing these visual inspections. Upon installation of the systems, you should have already been informed of these guidelines.

It’s also highly advisable to train your staff on these essential matters. As a manager or building owner, your fire safety response plan must include preparing your staff on this fire safety equipment, including a necessary fire suppression system inspection.

If you need a refresher or some advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to the fire suppression system provider who installed your system.

Goal of the Fire Suppression System Inspection

The regular inspections aim to prevent future malfunctioning scenarios. By identifying any future problems, the technicians can address these issues to ensure that the systems will function properly.

Experienced technicians will perform a comprehensive inspection of the systems to discover inadequacies, system status, layouts, previous discharges, and placement of the component.

If the technicians discover any issues, they will make their expert recommendations on how to remedy these deficiencies. Aside from the actual action repair plan, the technicians will also recommend a schedule of the required repairs or maintenance.